81 research outputs found

    Metodologies per a la coresponsabilitat en l’aprenentatge universitari

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    L’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior ha propiciat un replantejament metodològic basat en el desenvolupament de competències que permet formular noves propostes d’estil docent universitari. En aquest article plantegem un model metodològic pròxim als principis del constructivisme social i del pensament complex, aplicable a un mòdul dels estudis de grau en Educació Infantil i en Educació Primària, analitzant diferents estratègies didàctiques utilitzades per a facilitar l’aprenentatge dels estudiants. Les diverses propostes metodològiques tenen, com a denominador comú,les particularitats següents: totes elles estan centrades en l’alumne, dinamitzen diferents àmbits competencials i afavoreixen la coresponsabilitat entre professor i estudiant en el procés d’aprenentatge. Els resultats d’un estudi fet durant el curs 2008-2009 sobre la percepció dels estudiants en relació a metodologies afins a les proposades,ens ha servit per a ratificar la pertinença de la majoria d’estratègies i incorporar-les al Pla docent del mòdul Societat, Família i Escola I

    School administrators' perceptions of democratic coexistence in Catalan schools: An analytical study

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    In democratic societies, education should help build a participative, critical and responsible citizenry and therefore promote the role of schools as settings where students learn democratic coexistence. With the study reported on here we aimed to analyse how coexistence is fostered in classrooms and schools, as well as the possible synergy between schools' efforts to educate in democratic coexistence, and the children's social participation in their setting. To do so, we focused on the perspective of 476 school administrators at schools in Catalonia (Spain) based on an ad-hoc questionnaire comprised of 22 items on a Likert scale. The results reflect settings that value democratic coexistence at school and in society, although when we delved a bit deeper, we found aspects that still required more work. Actions that should be the focal point in the immediate future include developing more innovative educational strategies, training the administrators and enlisting students' participation in running the schools

    Improved diagnostics and surveillance identify novel reassortant swine influenza A viruses in Chile

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    Influenza A Virus (IAV) circulates endemically in nature, representing a constant concern to public health and animal production systems worldwide. The emergence of the 2009 H1N1 influenza A pandemic (A(H1N1)pdm09) highlighted the need of conducting systematic surveillance studies, and evidenced the significant gap of knowledge of the swine IAVs (SwIAV) circulating in pigs worldwide at the time of the outbreak. This also highlighted the role of swine as important reservoirs for the generation of endemic strains with zoonotic and pandemic potential. Despite this, comprehensive information of SwIAV circulating in Latin America is still lacking. While Chile has strong ecological barriers and high stringency controls regarding livestock trading, IAV is endemic and has been consistently detected in pigs. This has caused great concerns for the swine industry, because of the on-going clinical and production losses. Nevertheless, few surveillance efforts have been conducted in Chile and there is limited information regarding the genetic diversity and origin of swIAVs. Determining the viral subtypes and genotypes circulating in swine is key for the development of appropriate vaccine approaches and control measures for the swine industry, and it is crucial for identifying novel strains with pandemic potential. We developed improved diagnostic tools to detect endemic viruses and characterized the diversity and origin of SwAIV and its prevalence in Chilean swine production farms. From December 2013 to June 2015, we sampled 27 farms representative of intensive swine production systems located between the Valparaiso and Araucania administrative regions. Animals were mainly found to be susceptible to IAV infection at 50 to 110 days of age. Serological analysis of 718 serum samples obtained from 3 different farms showed 91-59% prevalence to SwIAV, with 18-67% positivity to A(H1N1)pdm09-like strains and 29-58% positivity to a novel SwH1N2 virus. We also obtained a total of 1016 nasal swabs (NS, 85%) and 176 oral fluids (OF, 15%) that were tested by Real-time RT-PCR (qPCR) and virus isolation. Of these, 295 samples (25%) were positive to swIAV (23% of NS and 38% of OF). A large number of farms (21 out of 27, 78%) were positive in at least one visit, and most farms showed temporal co-circulation of at least 2 viruses or mixed infections. We subtyped selected positive samples and sequenced 51 complete viral genomes using the Illumina platform. Nineteen additional hemagglutinins (HA) genes were sequenced by Sanger. We performed Bayesian Evolutionary Analyses to reconstruct the phylogenies of the viral segments. This identified the circulation of 2 predominant swIAV genotypes in Chile, the A(H1N1)pdm09-like (35%) strain and a novel SwH1N2 virus (45%). This H1N2 virus is unique to Chile since it is genetically distinct from the H1 virus clusters seen in North America and is not related to any previously reported IAV. The genome of this swH1N1 virus contains genes from 3 different human contemporary viruses. Its H1 and N2 genes are derived from human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses from the mid 90’s, respectively, suggesting that both of these human viruses were likely introduced into the Chilean swine population during that time. All the internal genes are from the A(H1N1)pdm09 strain, indicating that multiple and recent reassortment events gave rise to this novel reassortant virus. Of interest, we identified additional reassortant viruses that also contain the internal genes derived from the A(H1N1)pdm09 strain. These included an H1N1 containing the novel SwH1 and NA gene derived from the A(H1N1)pdm09-like strain, an H1N2 virus containing an H1 derived from the A(H1N1)pdm09 strain and the novel SwN2, a SwH3N2 virus and a human-like H3N2 virus, among others. Additionally, our analyses also revealed at least 3 independent human-to-swine introductions of the A(H1N1)pdm09 strain within the last 4 years in Chile. Overall this indicates that close human-swine interactions greatly contribute to the genetic diversity and emergence of IAVs in Chilean swine. This is the first comprehensive molecular epidemiological study of swIAV in Chile demonstrating the co-circulation of multiple viral strains in intensive swine production systems. Our data emphasizes the value of conducting long-term SwIAV surveillance in Latin America, a poorly studied region of the world. Acknowledgements: CEIRS program: HHSN266200700010C, HHSN272201400008C from NIH-NIAID, FONDEF IDeA Grant ID14I10201 and Proyecto Anillo de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología - PIA ACT1408, both from CONICYT Chile


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    La región pampeana es una extensa planicie que está sujeta a una gran presión antrópica, producto de las actividades agropecuarias, industriales y de las urbanizaciones. Los arroyos de esta región brindan importantes servicios ecosistémicos y sostienen una gran biodiversidad. Los productores primarios -las algas y macrófitas- constituyen la base de las redes tróficas en estos arroyos. Dada la gran extensión latitudinal de la región, las variaciones en la irradiancia y la temperatura serían las principales condicionantes de las características estructurales y funcionales de las comunidades algales. Los enfoques basados en rasgos morfo-funcionales constituyen una herramienta de utilidad para evaluar la influencia del gradiente latitudinal en estas comunidades. El estudio de sitios poco disturbados es muy importante, ya que permite establecer las condiciones de base en el estado actual del paisaje, generando información que será de utilidad para la restauración o el mantenimiento de la integridad de estos ecosistemas. El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar la estructura y el funcionamiento de las comunidades algales a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal en arroyos con el menor grado de disturbio posible para caracterizar las condiciones de base en arroyos pampeanos. En el área comprendida entre 32°50´-38°27´S y 64°34´-57°25´W se seleccionaron 18 arroyos siguiendo criterios morfológicos, hidrológicos y de uso del suelo que caracterizan condiciones poco disturbadas. En cada uno se eligió un tramo de 100 m representativo de la heterogeneidad ambiental. Los muestreos se realizaron durante el invierno y verano de 2018. En cada oportunidad se registraron variables físico-químicas, la irradiancia en el agua, se tomaron muestras para el análisis de nutrientes, y de las comunidades algales: epifiton, fitoplancton y fitobentos. Estas últimas, se fraccionaron para la estimación de biomasa y para la observación al microscopio óptico. Está previsto realizar la identificación taxonómica hasta el mayor grado de detalle posible y la asignación a grupos morfo-funcionales. Finalmente, mediante análisis estadísticos multivariados se prevé analizar si los parámetros estudiados se asocian de manera significativa al gradiente latitudinal. Las relaciones entre las variables ambientales y bióticas serán exploradas mediante análisis de correspondencia canónicos, o análisis de RDA en función de la respuesta al gradiente ambiental

    Characterization of Base Conditions in Little Disturbed Pampean Streams Basedonthe Structure and Functioning of Algal Communities along a Latitudinal Gradient

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    La región pampeana es una extensa planicie que está sujeta a una gran presión antrópica, producto de las actividades agropecuarias, industriales y de las urbanizaciones. Los arroyos de esta región brindan importantes servicios ecosistémicos y sostienen una gran biodiversidad. Los productores primarios -las algas y macrófitas- constituyen la base de las redes tróficas en estos arroyos. Dada la gran extensión latitudinal de la región, las variaciones en la irradiancia y la temperatura serían las principales condicionantes de las características estructurales y funcionales de las comunidades algales. Los enfoques basados en rasgos morfo-funcionales constituyen una herramienta de utilidad para evaluar la influencia del gradiente latitudinal en estas comunidades. El estudio de sitios poco disturbados es muy importante, ya que permite establecer las condiciones de base en el estado actual del paisaje, generando información que será de utilidad para la restauración o el mantenimiento de la integridad de estos ecosistemas. Elobjetivo general de este trabajo es analizar la estructura y el funcionamiento de las comunidades algales a lo largo de ungradiente latitudinal en arroyos con el menor grado de disturbio posible para caracterizar las condiciones de base en arroyos pampeanos.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Evaluation of potential risk of transmission of avian influenza A viruses at live bird markets in response to unusual crow die-offs in Bangladesh

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    In response to unusual crow die‐offs from avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection during January‐February 2017 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, a One Health team assessed potential infection risks in live bird markets (LBMs). Evidence of aerosolized avian influenza A viruses was detected in LBMs and in the respiratory tracts of market workers, indicating exposure and potential for infection. This study highlighted the importance of surveillance platforms with a coordinated One Health strategy to investigate and mitigate zoonotic risk

    El rol de la escuela en la formación democrática : diseño de un cuestionario

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    El papel de los centros educativos en la formación democrática es fundamental para construir sociedades más equitativas e inclusivas. La literatura destaca la falta de instrumentos de evaluación de estrategias de apoyo en este ámbito con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas. El objetivo del trabajo fue construir el cuestionario 'Convivencia y participación democrática en los centros educativos' a partir de la validación por jueces y análisis de fiabilidad mediante un estudio piloto. Respecto a los jueces, participaron 16 expertos en la temática y aspectos metodológicos y en cuanto al pilotaje, se contó con 136 directores de escuela. Se analizó la validez de contenido y fiabilidad del instrumento y los resultados indican una validez de contenido adecuada, con un nivel de correlación entre .6 y .7 en la mayoría de los ítems y una fiabilidad aceptable, con una alfa de Cronbach de .876 para la dimensión de Convivencia y un valor de alfa de Cronbach .886 para la dimensión de Participación. A partir de las valoraciones de los jueces y la prueba piloto, se puso de manifiesto la necesidad de revisar el comportamiento de algunos ítems en función de las correlaciones de cada uno con su subescala. The role of schools in democratic education is essential to build more equitable and inclusive societies. The literature highlights the lack of instruments for evaluating support strategies in this field with adequate psychometric properties. The aim of this work was to create the questionnaire "Coexistence and democratic participation in schools" based on validation by expert judges and reliability analysis through a pilot study. Sixteen experts in the subject and methodological aspects participated as judges, and 136 school principals participated in the pilot study. A content validity analysis and a reliability study of the instrument were carried out. The results indicate an adequate content validity and an acceptable reliability, with a correlation level between .6 and .7 for most of the items and acceptable reliability, with a Cronbach's alpha value of .876 for the Coexistence dimension, and a Cronbach's alpha value of .886 for the Participation dimension. From the judges' evaluations and the pilot test, it became clear that the behavior of some items needed to be revised based on the correlations of each item with its subscale

    In vivo testing of novel vaccine prototypes against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) is a Gram-negative bacterium that represents the main cause of porcine pleuropneumonia in pigs, causing significant economic losses to the livestock industry worldwide. A. pleuropneumoniae, as the majority of Gram-negative bacteria, excrete vesicles from its outer membrane (OM), accordingly defined as outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Thanks to their antigenic similarity to the OM, OMVs have emerged as a promising tool in vaccinology. In this study we describe the in vivo testing of several vaccine prototypes for the prevention of infection by all known A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes. Previously identified vaccine candidates, the recombinant proteins ApfA and VacJ, administered individually or in various combinations with the OMVs, were employed as vaccination strategies. Our data show that the addition of the OMVs in the vaccine formulations significantly increased the specific IgG titer against both ApfA and VacJ in the immunized animals, confirming the previously postulated potential of the OMVs as adjuvant. Unfortunately, the antibody response raised did not translate into an effective protection against A. pleuropneumoniae infection, as none of the immunized groups following challenge showed a significantly lower degree of lesions than the controls. Interestingly, quite the opposite was true, as the animals with the highest IgG titers were also the ones bearing the most extensive lesions in their lungs. These results shed new light on A. pleuropneumoniae pathogenicity, suggesting that antibody-mediated cytotoxicity from the host immune response may play a central role in the development of the lesions typically associated with A. pleuropneumoniae infections

    Efecto de la invasión de acacia negra (<i>Gleditsia triacanthos</i> L.) sobre arroyos pampeanos

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    Pampean fluvial ecosystems of low order usually lack of riparian vegetation. In recent years the invasion of honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) has caused changes in landscape composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of honey locust invasion on pampean streams. Three reaches with different degree of invasion were selected and compared with three control reaches with no canopy. In order to evaluate the effect of invasion, nutrients (soluble reactive phosphorus, ammonium and nitrates), biomass of producers (seston, macrophytes, periphyton and phytobenthos) and net production in each reach were determined. Significant differences were observed for all of variables estimated between reaches with and without canopy, but not in all cases. The amount of variables with significant differences between both reaches rises following a gradient of increasing invasion levels. Furthermore, differences are more pronounced with increasing percentage of honey locust coverage on the stream. We conclude that sustained invasion of honey locust modifies the concentration of nutrients in water, the biomass of some communities and the production of these communities. This effect could be avoided with early management of the invasion of honey locust.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Efecto de la invasión de acacia negra (<i>Gleditsia triacanthos</i> L.) sobre arroyos pampeanos

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    Pampean fluvial ecosystems of low order usually lack of riparian vegetation. In recent years the invasion of honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) has caused changes in landscape composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of honey locust invasion on pampean streams. Three reaches with different degree of invasion were selected and compared with three control reaches with no canopy. In order to evaluate the effect of invasion, nutrients (soluble reactive phosphorus, ammonium and nitrates), biomass of producers (seston, macrophytes, periphyton and phytobenthos) and net production in each reach were determined. Significant differences were observed for all of variables estimated between reaches with and without canopy, but not in all cases. The amount of variables with significant differences between both reaches rises following a gradient of increasing invasion levels. Furthermore, differences are more pronounced with increasing percentage of honey locust coverage on the stream. We conclude that sustained invasion of honey locust modifies the concentration of nutrients in water, the biomass of some communities and the production of these communities. This effect could be avoided with early management of the invasion of honey locust.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse